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The Otway Light
The Otway Light is a not-for-profit, community newspaper produced and printed weekly at Lavers Hill K-12 College by volunteers.
It was initiated by a team of community-minded Lavers Hill K-12 College educators in 1979 and has been bringing news and entertainment to the Otways community ever since. It is published weekly, in both print and electronic versions, during each school term.
The current Editorial Board consists of Joy Whitton, Sue Gillett, Yanti Lawson, Philippa Bailey, Michelle Ferrari, Sue Harrington, Helen Grant, Joan Reed, Linda Richardson, Helen Chambers and Rachel Forgasz.
The quality of The Otway Light has been recognised by the Community Newspapers Association of Victoria in the following awards:
- Best Editorial: Finalist 2022
- Best feature story: Finalist 2019, 2021. Winner 2012
- Best Community Newspaper: Runner-up 2021
- Best Photograph: Finalist 2017, 2021
- Best article by a person 18 or younger: Finalist 2013, 2015, 2020
- Best history story: Winner: 2016
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Contribute | Notes for Contributors | Subscribe | Donations
Would you like to contribute a story, personal or community notice, news item or advertisement?
Articles and photographs are welcomed, but The Otway Light Editorial Board reserves the right to edit or not to print any article, and does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of articles. Articles can be directed to one of the following:
- Lavers Hill K-12 College, Lavers Hill 3238,
- Lavers Hill P.O. Lavers Hill 3238
and must be received by Monday 1pm to be included in the current issue.
Other notes for contributors
The views and opinions expressed in articles printed in The Otway Light are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board. Editors are aware of the originators of all material, but are not obliged to print their names.
- Advertisers and contributors please note that a name and phone number or address must be included with every item submitted to The Otway Light (not necessarily to be printed)
- Personal notices, e.g. engagements, births, must be signed and have an address and contact phone number included (not for publication).
- The Front Cover can be booked by emailing us at by 1pm Mondays for the current edition.
- A current scale of charges for advertisements can be found on the inside back cover of The Otway Light.

Past Issue of The Otway Light
Please click to download a example of a past issue
Become a subscriber
To receive a copy of The Otway Light by post or email, please contact us to be added to the mailing list. Subscription costs are as follows:
Personally labelled & posted paper copies @ $50 per year
Emailed copies @ $10 per year
Donations, subscriptions and accounts
Can be paid a number of methods:
directly into our Commonwealth Bank account:
Lavers Hill K-12 College Community Newspaper
BSB: 063 510
A/C Number: 10072803
handed in to Lavers Hill or Gellibrand River Post Offices
posted to 10 College Drive, Lavers Hill 3238