About Us
Extra-curricular and Clubs
Other clubs may be formed to suit the interests of our students.
Compass Award/Duke of Edinburgh
The Compass Award is a program of discovery for young Victorians aged 10 – 13 years (Primary students). The program enhances young people’s personal development, fosters positive attitudes towards learning and promotes engagement and interaction with their community.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a program offered to all Secondary students. It is a leading global youth development program, providing opportunities for young Australians aged 14-24 with a focus on leadership and encouragement for students to take individual responsibility for their learning. Participating students take an active part in the life of the College and are given the opportunity of representing their College in the wider community.
Student Representatives Council (SRC)
Student Voice is a key focus for our College, and figures highly in our recently developed Strategic Plan.
SRC members are elected by their peers at the beginning of the academic year. Through SRC, students can voice their opinions, ideas and concerns to the School Leadership to encourage student-driven change. They also organise various events and fundraisers throughout the year to raise awareness of chosen organisations.
In addition, School Captains are also elected every year. They represent our school externally and embody our school values to the wider community. They lead the school assembly on Monday mornings.
Instrumental Music Program (IMP)
Students from Y3-12 have the opportunity to partake in the IMP. Students may choose a variety of musical instruments or a Performing Arts (PA) discipline to be tutored individually. Currently our PA teacher is offering piano, drums, ukulele, singing and dancing. Performance opportunities are made available throughout the year to allow them to perform.
In order to participate in the Band program, the students must also be enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program (IMP). All students must commit to a whole term to ensure the smooth running of the program. Students learn pop & rock music and the disciplines required to operate as a creative collective.
Gardening Club
Gardening Club is held every Tuesday lunchtime (except during Winter months) where the students learn the basics of gardening and they work collaboratively to plant vegetables.
Dance Club
Dance club is held fortnightly. Students work in a group to learn dance routines and technical dance skills. All students from Year 3 onwards are welcome to join. This is great fun!
Art & Craft Club
The club runs weekly on Friday lunchtime and allows the students the opportunity to expand on their creativity and individual projects.