About Us
Principals Welcome
Lavers Hill K-12 College is a beautiful rural school, with a long and proud history, to me it is a school like no other.
I believe at our school we value life-long learning and that’s why we have proudly run a kindergarten on our school site for over 25 years and why we are always looking for opportunities to create learning not only for our students but for our school community and that makes us unique. Our Lavers Hill campus can’t be described as anything other than a lush, green paradise with such open spaces. Those who visit our Lavers Hill site cannot believe the size of our school and the facilities that we have on hand which include an indoor pool, a gym, a doctors building, a woodwork room and many other great assets. Often when I take families around for tours they make comments about the feel of the place, how it feels so welcoming and inviting, which cements the feeling of pride that we have in our school. You will often hear the students at our school refer to us like a big happy family and this is due to our supportive and caring environment that each of our settings have, they consider the needs of each individual student, ensuring that they can thrive.
Lavers Hill College is proud to work with our community to educate and care for our future leaders. I am proud to be the leader of a school who thinks out of the box. If we have an idea that they believe the children in our community then we will work to make that happen. Our GOALS (Greater Otway Applied Learning School) campus is a result of one such idea. A place where students can feel safe and engage once again with education, without this space many of these young people would not be receiving an education. Our students are our number one priority, every decision we make is to ensure that they become prepared for the future.
Behind the scenes there is an amazing group of dedicated staff who work hard to provide a safe, supportive and caring learning environment for Lavers Hill College students, all staff go above and beyond for their students as we do not want our students disadvantaged due to our rural isolation. Our focus as educators is on growing the learning of each student, further developing their skills or knowledge so that they can become happy, healthy, resilient individuals ready for anything life throws at them.
I am very proud to be the Principal at Lavers Hill K-12 College and I look forward to welcoming you to our family.
Michelle Ferrari